August 5, 2023

Subdirectory vs Subdomain: Its Impact on SEO and User Experience

When developing a website, one crucial factor that impacts both Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and user experience is the site structure. The effective organization of content has a substantial influence on the crawling and indexing process of search engines, as well as the navigation experience of users on your website.

When it comes to site structuring, a critical decision to consider is whether to employ subdomains or subdirectories.

This article aims to explore the distinctions between subdomains and subdirectories, examining their advantages and disadvantages, as well as their impact on search engine optimization (SEO) and user experience.

Understanding Subdomains: Definition

A subdomain refers to a subdivision of a primary domain, which establishes a unique web address for hosting distinct content or functionalities.

It appears before the root domain and is distinguished by a dot. The subdomain structure and, are both associated with the primary domain,

Understanding Subdomains: Pros and Cons

Subdomains provide various benefits, including enhanced organization and the capability to establish distinct websites or sections within the primary domain.

Subdomains enable businesses to effectively manage distinct branding, design, and content for individual subdomains.

Moreover, taking advantage of subdomains can effectively bolster security measures by mitigating the impact of a potential compromise in one subdomain, as it may not have a direct impact on other subdomains.

However, subdomains also possess certain disadvantages. Search engines frequently consider subdomains as distinct entities, which can result in challenges when attempting to consolidate domain authority and link equity.

In addition, the management of multiple subdomains can present complexities, especially when utilizing distinct content management systems (CMS).

When to Use Subdomains for Your Website

The use of a subdomain is deemed suitable when the intention is to create discrete websites or separate entities that serve distinct purposes or cater to diverse audiences.

For instance, think of a scenario where you possess a blog containing captivating blog posts, alongside an ecommerce store that caters to customers hailing from different countries, making use of subdomains like and enables independent management of these two entities.

From an SEO perspective, subdomains can provide significant value for enhancing site structure optimization. One example of improving user accessibility and enhancing SEO results is by utilizing a subdomain for specific sections such as support pages.

Moreover, if you aim to maintain a unified brand identity across your primary website, you can have all related content within one root domain and utilize subdirectories for different sections. However, if you have sections that target diverse keywords or serve different purposes, using the same keywords on a subdomain or having your subdomain can help create clear navigational paths for users and search engine crawlers alike.

Delving into Subdirectories: Definition

Subdirectories, unlike subdomains, are divisions of a website that are organized as integral components of the primary domain. The root domain is followed by a forward slash, which also serves as a separator.

The subdirectory structure such as and serve as illustrative examples.

Delving into Subdirectories: Pros and Cons

Subdirectories play a crucial role in streamlining website management as they are integrated within the primary site, making use of the same content management system (CMS) and server infrastructure.

The presence of a unified domain authority and link authority is facilitated by the fact that all content is hosted on the same domain. In addition, the usage of subdirectories can enhance the overall user experience by enabling visitors to navigate effortlessly between various sections of the website.

One notable drawback of subdirectories is their limited flexibility in terms of distinct branding and design.

The implementation of unique themes or structures for different sections may be limited due to all content residing under one domain. However, this limitation is commonly perceived as just a formality when compared with the advantages of efficient administration and unified authority.

When to Go for Subdirectories in Your Website Structure

A subdirectory is an optimal selection for organizing content within a single domain while ensuring consistent branding and design. A practical solution for hosting a blog or ecommerce store is to have them hosted on separate subdirectories of the main domain.

For instance, the blog can be hosted on "" and the ecommerce store can be hosted on "". Taking advantage of subdirectories can effectively mitigate potential issues that may arise from too many subdirectories or the use of different subdomains.

These issues can often pose challenges for search engines in accurately evaluating the hierarchy and relevance of your website. In addition, combining all content on the same server can enhance website performance and guarantee a smooth user experience.

When there is a need to focus on different regions or countries, it is more advantageous to use subdirectories within the main domain rather than utilizing separate subdomains. This feature allows for the establishment of a centralized authority and the consolidation of link equity across the entire website, resulting in better ranking factors within the context of SEO.

To optimize your website's authority and ensure a cohesive user experience across different regions, it is advisable to simplify the management of subdomains and employ subdirectories strategically for relevant subdomains. The adoption of analytics tools and strategic decision-making on the organization of website content can greatly enhance overall SEO success.

Subdomain vs. Subdirectory: The Comparison

The primary differentiation between a subdomain and a subdirectory is based on their hierarchical structure. A subdomain is a feature that enables the creation of an independent website or section, which is treated as a separate entity.

On the other hand, a subdirectory is a method of organizing content within the main website, thereby contributing to the overall authority of the domain.

The SEO Impact of Subdomains and Subdirectories

The decision between using subdomains and subdirectories can have a substantial impact on the SEO performance of your website, especially on a main site and even on a separate website. This is how:

1. Domain Authority and Link Equity:

Search engines treat subdomains as distinct entities, thereby assigning them their domain authority. This phenomenon can lead to the dispersion of link equity among subdomains, rather than enhancing the authority of the primary domain. In contrast, subdirectories play a role in enhancing a cohesive domain authority by consolidating link equity, which has the potential to improve the overall ranking of the entire website.

2. Page Authority:

Subdirectories typically exhibit higher levels of authority due to their ability to leverage the authority of the main domain. The utilization of subdirectories can result in better search rankings for individual pages that are hosted within them, as opposed to utilizing subdomains.

3. Keyword Strategy:

When aiming to achieve higher rankings for targeted keywords, it is more advantageous to utilize subdirectories. The authority of the main domain can provide support to the pages located in subdirectories, thereby enhancing their prominence in search results.

4. Content Organization:

The application of subdirectories enhances content organization, facilitating the comprehension of your website's hierarchy and structure by search engine crawlers. Implementing this strategy can have a positive impact on the website hierarchy.

5. Enhanced User Experience:

Taking advantage of subdirectories contributes to a more streamlined user experience by enabling visitors to navigate across various sections of your web pages without having to navigate away from the primary domain. Implementing this strategy has the potential to decrease bounce rates and improve user engagement.

Google's Perspective on Subdomain vs. Subdirectory

The stance of Google regarding subdomains and subdirectories has changed throughout the years. Historically, subdomains were commonly regarded as distinct and independent entities.

In recent times, Google's algorithm has made notable advancements in identifying subdomains associated with the primary domain and has consequently altered its influence on search engine optimization (SEO).

As per the guidelines provided by Google's Webmaster Guidelines, it is stated that both subdomains and subdirectories are regarded as integral components of a single website, and Google web search similarly treats them. The root domain plays a crucial role in this decision.

Google places significant emphasis on the significance of site structure and advises selecting a methodology that is in line with your content organization and company goals.

Making the Right Choice for Your Website: Subdomain vs. Subdirectory

The selection between a subdomain and a subdirectory should be made considering the unique structure of your website and your SEO strategy.

To ascertain the optimal choice for your web pages, it is advisable to evaluate the following scenarios:

1. Multiple Websites:

In cases where there is a requirement for distinct websites, each with its unique content, design, and branding, the utilization of subdomains is an appropriate approach. This applies to businesses that have operations in multiple regions or provide different services.

2. Unified Website:

In the case where a website fulfils multiple functions, such as functioning as both a blog and ecommerce store, and there is a desire to uphold a consistent brand identity, it is recommended to make use of subdirectories.

3. SEO Perspective:

When the primary objective is to enhance search rankings for the same keywords on multiple domains, it is generally more advantageous to utilize subdirectories. This is because subdirectories can leverage the authority of the main domain, resulting in improved performance. A strong root domain can improve the ranking of all subdirectories of landing pages or a main site.

4. User Experience:

It is important to take into account how users will engage with your web pages. For a smoother and more user-friendly experience in terms of navigating between sections, it is recommended to use subdirectories. A clear site structure stemming from your root domain enhances user experience.


In summary, both subdirectories and subdomains possess advantages and disadvantages in terms of SEO and user experience.

The selection between the two options should be determined by factors such as content organization, branding requirements, and SEO strategy.

Subdomains are a suitable option when there is a need for distinct web pages, whereas subdirectories are preferable when aiming for a cohesive online presence. It is important to note that Google similarly views both approaches.

Therefore, it is advisable to select the approach that is in line with the website's hierarchy and business objectives. By making a well-informed decision, you can optimize the structure of your website to enhance organic traffic, improve rankings on search engine results, and overall user experience.

Singapore digital marketing services and SEO experts play a pivotal role in enhancing online visibility and generating organic traffic.

An SEO company in Singapore has a comprehensive understanding of the technical SEO guide for structuring websites using subdomains or subdirectories. You may also click here for a technical SEO checklist that can help you make well-informed decisions to effectively improve your online presence.

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Thomas Tay
SEO Head at Khepri Digital’s Singapore branch. An SEO nerd by day, he is responsible for the research & development to assess the impact and changes in Google algorithms. His work powers the processes behind Khepri Digital’s SEO manual. When not looking at SEO experiments, he tends to be around the Northern Area of Singapore, chomping on Satay and Chicken wings.